Author Archive: Craig

Prayer of the People, 31 Oct 2021

Heavenly Father, 

By your word you have raised up for yourself sons and daughters born of the blood of Jesus and the breathe of the Spirit. We rejoice in our adoption into your covenant family. You have brought us into the communion of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and so we say


By your grace we heard your invitation and so we are here. Life in your Kingdom is full of surprises and groaning. We are carried along by the Wind of the Spirit, yet we have tasted and seen that the Lord — He is good! And so we say


By your Presence among us we have joined hands with sisters and brothers gifted for service that your Church can storm the gates of Hell with You. May your Word break through to hearts closed by trauma, to minds closed by unbelief, and to bodies beset by insecurities.

Lord we lift up to you the 400 Mawozo gang in Haiti who are holding 17 people hostage in demand for ransom. We pray that you would change hearts and bring about safe release. We pray for these missionaries and ask that you would fortify their hearts with the gospel love of Jesus. May your light shine from the fellowship of all your churches across Haiti so they become centres of hope.

We lift up to you the people of Sudan and ask that you would bring a true peace and the pursuit of the common good even as they suffer through the opposition of wills and vision for the country. Empower your church to love well and to set the pace for transformation of lives and communities.

Lord we need you in every area of our lives and so we pray as Jesus taught us…

Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever. 

Prayer of the People, 24 Oct 2021

Heavenly Father, 

Your Spirit hovered over the deep and brought life forward at your word. You breathed life into people and by the call of your Son Jesus we have gathered as your children. Thank you for this grace that has brought us into your communion — the communion of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

You have broken the chains that bound us and delivered us into the freedom of your Kingdom. Now may love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control be formed in our characters.

We bring all that is opposed to the life of the Holy Spirit to the Cross of Christ and contemplate His crucifixion. We drop these deathly ways, so inadequate for the way of Jesus, and ask that you would forgive us and reshape us in your image.

Your grace abounds.

Come Lord Jesus.

You have lifted us up out of the slimy pit and set our feet on a secure rock.
You have lifted up our heads. You are our Shepherd.

You are our glory and our delight.

Praise the Lord!

We lift up to you the people in conflict in Myanmar, and Ethiopian and Tigray, and Syria. Oh Lord would you raise up men and women with hearts full of peace toward you and each other. Disable the war machine that looks for markets to ply their weapons of death. May we set our minds and our economies on how to do good.

We know how fragile neighbourly love and generosity can be. Our hearts are desperately deceitful. So, may your good news keep bearing fruit in your church across the world. And may your Spirit apply your power to change in us. So we pray…

Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one,
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever. 

Prayer of the People, 17 Oct 2021

Heavenly Father,

Like the deer in a dry land, panting for streams of living water, we are thirsting for you. You have invited us to come and drink. And so, we have come to meet with you — in your communion — the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Forgive us Lord, for we have confused our thirst for you with a thirst for power, for recognition, for ease, and for entertainment. Even now Lord, reset our souls to you. Awaken us to the majesty of your sovereign love and wisdom.

We have feared the mocker’s question — Where is your God? And so we kept silent; we retreated into our own doubt, and we made skepticism our fortress. We imagined a justice that did not include you. Oh Lord, break these walls down with the glorious image of Jesus pouring Himself out as a servant, taking up the towel and serving, taking up the cross and suffering that we might know You in your fullness.

Oh Spirit of God, blow through these walls that the fragrance of your life would be a delight to many. Cause hope to arise in us and praise to flow from our hearts in the day and the night. You are our comforter and healer. You restore us to the image of Christ Jesus our Lord. Stir us out of our passivity and activate attention to your love for us and attentive love for our neighbours at home, across the campus, and in the classroom.

Oh Lord, those living in the shadow of domination and desolation are crying out — Hear their cry Lord. Their cries are coming to you from Myanmar, from Afghanistan, from Lebanon and even from here in Canada. Oh Lord direct your love to them, may your song be within them even in the night — a prayer to the God of their lives. Even in prisons or on campuses — please establish people of Jesus as vibrant communities whose praises arise as a beacon of hope in every dark corner or our globe.

Oh Lord in the name of Jesus we are pleading — may your Kingdom come!

(Please join with me in praying the Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever. 

Del Rio and our Haitian Brothers and Sisters

I have struggled to know even where to begin to express my deep dismay at the treatment of the dear people who have sought refuge under the Del Rio International Bridge. Many of them began their journey for refuge as many as ten years ago by departing from the shores of Haiti.

These are survivors. These are strong, ingenious, creative people who have learned languages, leaned into deprivation, and held onto hope.

Some blame their journey on an earthquake. But there are other factors too that contributed to the violence, poverty, and political alienation that compelled them to leave. America stirs the pot with the left hand and crushes the hearts of people who climb out with the right.

Our neighbours have come to the border asking for refuge. But, we treat them with contempt.

During the week in which men on horses chased down and flayed away at the backs of our sons and daughters, in which people where corralled onto planes and flown back to Haiti without due process, I began reading Dominique DuBois Gilliard’s book, Subversive Witness, Scripture’s Call to Leverage Privilege. He writes,

“Hosea 4:6 explains that God’s people perish because of a lack of knowledge, and the masses also suffer when they lack godly leadership.

Narcissistic political leaders fear losing their power, influence, and possessions more than they fear God. Their insecurities lure them into idolatry, fear distrusts their vision, and paranoia prohibits them from affirming the imago Dei inherent in all their neighbours. Consequently, their dictates exacerbate existing chasms between the privileged and disenfranchised.

Immoral leaders understand that when marginalized people are politically diagnosed as a social albatross, it becomes acceptable–if–not patriotic–to vilify them, infringe on their human rights’ and become apathetic toward their plight….”

Subversive Witness, p. 22.

Immoral leaders.

Today, Daniel Foote, the special envoy to Haiti, has resigned in protest of immoral leadership. No one is listening to him and the Biden administration seems to be intent on going ahead with the forced transport of people to Haiti. Daniel Foote describes the situation, “I will not be associated with the United States inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees and illegal immigrants to Haiti, a country where American officials are confined to secure compounds because of the dangers posed by armed gangs in control of daily life.”

Grieve and lament.

Affirm those who offer refreshment.

Call for the due process and kindness required to be given those who seek refuge.

Are you a follower of Jesus? Beware the evil wrapped up in patriotic justifications for the sacrifice of God’s dear children in order to “secure our borders;” it’s the siren call; it’s a tasty morsel; it bears death to the soul; it wounds the conscience and numbs the mind. It has nothing to do with Jesus. It’s a wooden idol; it leads us astray and we become unfaithful to God. It brings rot and eases all of us into a habitual rejection of the Kingdom of God.

Prayer of the People, 15 August 2021

Heavenly Father,

You have been our help – an anchor through the storms wrecking our souls. Thank you for calming the storm. Thank you for carrying us through the storm. And even when the storm was of our own making you have restored our souls and given us rest. 

You made a way; You have set our feet on solid ground and have embraced us as friends. Thank you!   When shame weighed us down you have lifted us up. You put a new song in our hearts and raised our chins from the depths. You invite us to gaze on your glory and goodness. 

Who is like you?

You took our place at the Cross through Jesus Christ and have graciously poured your Spirit into us so we may enjoy life with you now and forever. This new birth delivers us from the destruction wrought by Satan, from guilt, from shame, and from fear. Now you usher us into the  peace, righteousness and joy of your Kingdom.  —  Thank you.

Lord you have empowered us to be neighbours to those who need one. We turn our faces with you to consider our campus, our city, and the countries of our day — give us your heart for people.

Raise up students who love you and grant them courage and wisdom to speak up with you
Raise up men and women who will lead with loving kindness in their fields of work.
Raise us up as a generation that will follow Jesus.

Even here — we know —  powers and principalities prop themselves up against the knowledge of You. They seek to destroy people by denying their dignity and their worth as bearers of your image. 

Today as we look at our world with you: 

We lift up the country of Afghanistan and ask that you would grant courage to your church. 
We lift up to you the people of Haiti and ask that you would comfort those who lost friends and family in the latest earthquake.
We lift up to you friends, family, and neighbours who grieve under the pandemic around the world.

Oh Lord, Come quickly — please orchestrate release for the captives, homes for the displaced, and enduring peace for neighbours.

Please give our leaders humility and the wisdom that comes from Heaven.

Oh Lord we need you and so we pray…  (Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 