Author Archive: Craig

The Wine Poured At Our Tables

Read John 15:1-8

“I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener… I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” vs. 1,5

After the disciples and Jesus depart from the upper room where they had shared the bread and wine, He continues on the theme of union with Him. Perhaps they walked past or through a vineyard. Perhaps He pauses and they stop with Him. With a sweep of His hand and a glance across the garden He announces, “I am the true vine and my Father is the gardener.”

When Jesus envisions the lives of His disciples. He envisions fruitfulness. But He knows us. He knows we celebrate success. Like a fine glass of wine far removed from the vineyard and held up in the banquet hall of the powerful, rich and famous, we are apt to forget about the garden and the one who tended the vines. In fact we might have no idea about who the gardener is and know even less about the vine from which the fruit came.

The culture and care nurtured by the Father in His vineyard is formed by the necessity that His children abide, remain, stay connected to the source of life and goodness: Jesus Christ His Son. We can trust the Father who is shaping us to bear fruit, glorious fruit. We can trust the Son, who is the source of all that is required for life and godliness. Daily movement into His communion and His Word over time will shape our desires and our desires will shape our prayers — and the Father will answer for it is to His glory to do so.

Unless we remain in Christ Jesus there will be no wine poured at our tables.

Heavenly Father, you have grafted me into Jesus the True Vine. I shall abide in Him and His words shall abide in me. Bring the mysterious power of your Spirit to generate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. All this evidence of life! May all who partake in life with me benefit from your work in me and in your Church. For your glory — and in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Too Busy to Make a Home

Read John 14:22-30

“Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” vs. 23

This Judas, not Judas Iscariot, was puzzled over the limited vision of Jesus. Why not show yourself to the world? Why are you showing yourself only to us?

Jesus’ answer is telling. God is a home-maker!

Jesus wants to a make a home with them in which the communion of God will reside. The ongoing work of being at home with God is one in which Jesus’ disciples must participate. The participation is founded on love and yields obedience. In the grace of loving Jesus, the disciples keep on growing by obeying Jesus. Jesus and the Father will come make a dwelling with them; the Spirit is coming!

Our imaginations regarding being at home even in these bodies with God are too small.

I remember as a kid, building “forts” with friends in the woods behind our homes. These forts become places from which great adventures were planned and performed. The “fort” was a dwelling a place for us to gather away from the regular paths of adults. As we got older the forts become more complicated and the planning became more ambitious until we too like the adults could not afford to enter into the play of having a fort. We were busy with other things.

Ah our life with God! Imagination is required. Yet, we are never too old to build an abode with Him in our hearts. But, we can be too busy!

Heavenly Father, enlarge my heart for loving you. Through Jesus your Son, captivate my imagination with the supreme worth of knowing You and being known by You. Through your Spirit empower me to obey you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

A Small Word For Life

Read John 14:15-24

“Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” John 14:19b-20

Jesus anticipates a revolution of the spiritual life. The disciples will know that He is “in” the Father. The disciples will know that they are “in” Him. The disciples will know that Jesus is “in” them.

My awareness of the location of my life IN Christ sometimes dims. Daily renewal is necessary. I yield, I surrender my life to God and rejoice in the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit into which I have so graciously and lovingly been welcomed. And yet sometimes I live unconscious of this incredible treasure. In those long moments I may act as if I am not loved and known by the Creator of heaven and earth. Nonetheless this is now the true reality of my life, my life is in Him.

Which “day” is Jesus referring to? The disciples came to know that “he lives” on Resurrection Sunday (John 20). But the knowledge of His continued living came experientially by the promised Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Acts 2). In this Way (John 14:6) we are ushered into relationship with the originator of love and life. 

Heavenly Father, I praise you. This is the day you have made. I cannot fathom the depths of your love for us. Though the people gathered in Christ Jesus do not see you yet, we live in the love of relationship with you because Jesus Christ lives too. Thank you for this gift in which I live. Thank you for this generous love freeing me from confusion, deceit and death. Oh Jesus you are truly the way, the truth and the life! I set my mind on You. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Jesus Be The Centre

DR: Beyond the Applause

Read Luke 4:14-30

“Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Jesus’ reputation in ministry had preceded him. So when he went home to Nazareth all the good feels likely awaited him. But controversy was just below the surface. Jesus was aware. At home in the providence of His Heavenly Father he was handed the scroll of Isaiah. He read a passage and then declared “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

Temptation abounds. Who’s “servant” would Jesus be? A servant of his hometown, moved by their applause and needs? Or would Jesus be the Servant of the Lord who ushers in a new era of life, faith and obedience. Jesus takes up the testimony of the Servant of the Lord and declares that “this” is who he is.

Applause as an external compass is fickle and can lead us places bound up in foolishness. We each need an internal compass formed in the reality of who we are in Christ and formed by reflection on what matters to us until we search out the values and principles that form who we are and guide our decisions. That’s a solitary work. Jesus likely did that over the years of labourer work in Joseph’s care. Jesus likely did that again in the 40 days of wilderness prayer.

Heavenly Father, May I move in the power of your Spirit who knows your heart and knows me. May the transforming work of Jesus be in me. Come Lord Jesus. Set me free. Help me see. And let my life be governed by love. Form within me such delight in you that I know what pleases you and willingly move accordingly. In Jesus Name, Amen.

DR: Facing Temptations

Read Luke 4:1-13

“When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time.”

After a high and holy moment Jesus was moved by the Spirit into the wilderness, into a solitary place and the devil came to tempt him. This too is a holy season as Jesus persists in setting Himself into the Presence and purposes of God.

It’s Jesus’ commitment to the Father and his commitment to the way of the Father that is being tested. The devil need not come himself to tempt us. He has his agents but there is more. The Apostle James says that “each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed” (James 1:14). And then there are the systems of this world that are opposed to the knowledge and way of God. We are tempted by their promises all the time to act and live independent of God as He is revealed in His Word and by the Spirit.

Jesus shows us the way forward when tempted as he constantly returns to His life with the Father and the realities of His Word. He resists the devil. 

Heavenly Father, whether I find myself in the solitary places or in the wildness of the crowds I know I am tempted to wander from You and Your ways. Seek me and set me in the delight of your love. May no willful sin dominate me. Protect me from the evil one and the lead me in the way everlasting. In Jesus Name, Amen.