Author Archive: Craig

No Nostalgia for Shells

The soft blue swatch
that caught my eye
would not yield–
a tale of security
or the song of your
wild fortunes.
My questions could not penetrate
the folds of your recent past,
yet gratitude swept over me like light on ancient paths,
illuminating our common plot
and the Spirit’s gracious gifts —
the free
must have room to grow
and time for wings
to stretch.

Blunt Force Trauma

Just a stick in the mud.

You struck me with
those careless words
a little phrase 
it turned my head.

I filed it till 
it became a bowl
fit for blood, sweat 
and bitter tears.

With those shavings
I stoked a fire whose 
flames smelled of 
cold cursed ambition.

I stoked it 
till it nearly
killed me.
I stoked it 
’till true wisdom
turned me 
against the grain
of your casual 

Prayer of the People, 26 May 2019

Heavenly Father,

We set our hearts and our minds on You. You are seated in Your throne room, yet your majesty and glory fills the whole earth. We come without pretensions for our own righteousness. Instead we come with gratitude for the righteousness of Jesus in whom our lives have been hidden.  You are our righteousness, our holiness, and our redemption. Thank you for this grace!

We sit with you and are fed.
We walk with you and have company.
We stand with you and have victory.

Thank you for this grace. In our weakness you are strong. You have forgiven our sins and have fortified us through many temptations. You have been our help and truly it is by your help that we have come this far.

These weeks we are celebrating with graduates of UBC.  We celebrate what is completed, and we look forward to a future with you. As these dear ones take next steps please remind them to set their hearts on things above even while they navigate all of the practical pieces of finding work, of moving, and of navigating change.  Remind us of Your glory in the midst of change and uncertainty. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

We seek to live as Jesus did, so we are not unaffected or unmoved by the ways powers and principalities animate the institutions of our world. O how the nations rage! But your Kingdom will prevail even as North Korea tests their missiles, and as tensions rise in Europe’s elections, and as Iran stretches its arms, and India abounds with voices of hate and suspicion that find a place in online streams to turn people against their neighbours.

Compel us again through the tremendous and surprising grace of the Gospel to love our neighbours and our enemies and to plead with you for the salvation of all who would turn to Jesus Christ our Lord.

It is by His grace that turn our hearts and minds to you and that we pray —

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

Honk at me

What solace is required to fly north and remain?
These geese seem to know for their flights are never pained
with silence whether in groups of two
or of twelve.
What does such clumsy honking call forth
that silence
Oh our fears of awkward
have cast many down on the
plains of Abraham
where you could have been a sister
and I could have been a brother
we wither
So please
honk at me
and I’ll fly
with you.

Prayer of the People, 19 May 2019

Heavenly Father,

We enter your communion, the communion of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, through the body of Jesus and by His blood. Thank you for this grace in which stand. We live and and breathe and have our being in You!

We yearn for your voice, for your Word to call us forth from death and darkness into life and light. We yearn for your glory. We yearn for the Word that creates again a pure heart in us. Help us hear your voice and please give us a desire to know you and to do your will.

Have mercy on us Oh Lord. 

Fill us with your Spirit again.
Grant us your freedom that 
comes via the way of the Cross
and may we know Your joy.

May our praises for You come without calculations.
May our obedience for You emerge from love.
May our zeal for you You be full of knowledge.

For You are the One who has come to destroy the works of the evil one.
You are the One who seeks us through the night.
You are the One who calms the storm with a word.
You are the One who takes our offerings and feeds the nations.
You are the One who meets us in our griefs and takes in our tears.

You are the One who loves our brothers and sisters under deathly pressure in Nigeria and Burkina Faso. You are the One who has wisdom for scientists and social activists concerned for the state of our oceans. You are the One who brings down and binds up powers and principalities arrayed against the poor. You are the One who fortifies your people to love their enemies and their neighbours.

Where else could we go for the Words of life?

No one else could raise up children who share in your holiness from such a corrupt generation. No one else can love us the way you do. So, we pray this morning as Jesus teaches us to pray and — we ask that you would make it so —

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 