Prayer of th People, 17 July 2022
The Prayer of the People — 17 July 2022
Heavenly Father, you have the Words of Life so we come to you. You have shown us your Son Jesus who came as the Bread of Heaven with Life for all. Thank you for preparing a heavenly banquet table for us and bringing us into your communion, the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Even now we rejoice in the truth and those who tell it. Jesus your Son has become our Saviour. He has set us free. We are grateful for the gift of your Holy Spirit who has made us alive to you. We are a new creation, brought into your communion; you are making all things new and beautiful on your schedule.
We praise you for this grace in which we live!
Our prayer echos the ancient question, “How long?” How long Lord will we groan for the revealing of who we are in Christ? How long will people groan under the oppression of the evil one? How long will you be patient? People are set against each other and in many places the land groans withholding a harvest.
We yearn for you. Your Spirit from the beginning has hovered over the deep, bringing gracious order to chaos. Bring your beauty and abundance into our lives.
We yearn for you to be revealed in Sudan, Syria, and Ukraine. We ask Lord, that your peace and justice will prevail. We seek you for blessings in these countries. We ask you to comfort those who have lost so much and are seeking a place to live and thrive.
We thank you for the provisions that we enjoy here. Grant us eyes to see people as you do and hearts open to share generously the abundance we currently enjoy.
Lord reveal yourself on our campus. Fill the hearts of people emptied by anxiety, Life up those who are weighed down by selfish ambitions. Bring light to those darkened by unbelief. You have promised your satisfying presence in the life of all who believe you. Oh Lord, may all who hunger for your righteousness be filled.
Thank you Father for hearing our prayer in the name and grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, so we pray as He taught us… Please Join me now in the Lord’s Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, forever.