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Prayer of the People, 19 February 2021

Heavenly Father,

In the moment before you said, “Let there be…” your love existed and was shared within your eternal communion, the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

Your holiness precedes the billions of galaxies you made and infiltrates every vast expanse between them. You see us. You are able to locate us. You have made us. We are the people of your pasture purchased through the blood of the Lamb. So say the Word — Say the Word that awakens us to the reality of you and to the reality of your love. Call out to us, “Wake up O Sleeper, Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.”

For some us the joy of our salvation is preceded by the knowledge of our havoc to which we had become numb. And so — we fear.

We confess Lord, we have been foolish; we have been rebellious; we have been lovers of darkness. Forgive us and usher us into your ways of peace. May the righteousness and kindness of Jesus replace all the bitterness, rage, malice, unforgiveness, and apathy that has rushed in to fill the places created by desire and disappointment. 

Lord, grant us the grace of repentance and the grace of obedience that comes by faith. 

Indeed, fill us with the joy of your salvation!

We lift up our brothers and sisters
who weep; comfort them Lord.
who fear the future; assure them Lord.
who wrestle with decisions; guide them Lord.

We lift up students at UBC and at Langara College. We pray that your would call out disciples for Jesus — who rejoice in your friendship, and delight in your love. Cause them to be new creations from the inside out.

Oh Lord we need you and so we pray as Jesus teaches us:

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This prayer with part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 19 February 2021.

Prayer of the People, 12 February 2021

Heavenly Father,

In every prayer in which we invoke your love of justice, we know we need your mercy. You are right in all your judgements. Unless you forgave us who could stand with you? The ransom for a life is too much! But thanks be to Jesus Christ your Son, who has paid our debt and has ushered us into your communion — the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Though we may at times be convinced of the rightness of our cause, Oh Lord, do not let us abide in foolishness. We raise our hands to you and each beseech you, “Lord have mercy on me, a sinner.” May your goodness infiltrate our whole lives.

Come Lord Jesus come. We are in desperate need. Renew our wills in the power of your Holy Spirit that we might obey you. May our lives resonate with a “Yes” and a “No” in response to your Word. 

Renew our minds Lord. We struggle to imagine life in community with others where your justice rolls in like a mighty river.  But you know. You know how our lives as neighbours can be different socially and economically because of the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom.

And of your Church, your Bride, we ask you to empower us to raise a lament for the historic and painful truths of adultery with the world. The lust for power is so toxic! Forgive us Lord. Raise up a new generation committed to genuine kinship through Christ.

We must pray as another brother has prayed, “Lord make me an instrument of your peace.”
We seek your shallom in South Sudan, in Syria, in Myanmar, in India, in Mexico, and in Canada.  Fortify our brothers and sisters with Jesus’ love even through their weaknesses. Restrain us from violence against those who regard us as enemies and help us to bless and to do good. Protect us from idolatry, especially the idolatry wrapped up in greed. 

Lord we need you and so we pray as Jesus teaches us: Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This prayer was part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 12 February 2021.

Covid Blues

Some go out

and some stay in.

The only connection 

between us are


sidewalks with 



What slender 

grasp we had

on culture is

fading as

quickly as

snow in




Riding the Highs & Lows with Joseph

Last week in staff meeting I was reminded of a Bible Study I facilitated for the Origin Retreat last February 2020. For any who are sorting through the date — that’s before our Covid “lockdown” here in BC a few weeks later.

Several times over the last ten years I have lead students through long reads of Scripture. This one was particularly fun and deeply meaningful.

I’ve laid it out for you. In small groups someone would read the Scripture and then I would write out the questions. While they were answering the questions I would add to Joseph’s timeline. (Expand the picture.) I provided a bit of commentary between each reading and discussion assignment as well as some teaching that referenced, Dr. J. Robert Clinton’s work, The Making of a Leader. Specifically I as interested in Clinton’s idea of an integrity check. He writes,

“The God-given capacity to lead has two parts: giftedness and character. Integrity is the heart of character.

An emerging leader becomes aware of the importance of integrity through through integrity checks. An integrity check is a test that God uses to evaluate intententions in order to shape character. There are three parts to an integrity check: the challenge to consistency with inner convictions, the response to the challenge, and the resulting expansion of ministry.”

Dr. J. Robert Clinton,The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons and Stages of Leadership Development, 1988. p. 58-59.

I was also interested in helping our group expand their sense of time across their reading of the pages of Scripture as well as their lives. We are in such a hurry! Life happens (and that can be traumatic!) and we can loose sight of the fact that God is working. One of the pivotal questions and the great “aha moment” came when we figured out the years covered in Joseph’s life and added in the questions, “What do you hope will be true about you in 13 years?”

Read: Genesis 37:1-11
Q: What is it like to be the favourite? or to not be the favourite?
Q: What is it like to have ambitions or great dreams as a teenager?

Read: Genesis 37:12-36
Q: What kinds of violence or trauma can make a dream disappear?

Read: Genesis 39:1-23
Q: What kind of integrity tests/events are common between the ages of 18 and 24?
Q: How do you respond when people take advantage of you, your vulnerability, or your integrity?

Read Genesis 40:1-23
Q: Why is it important that Joseph gave credit to God for the interpretation?
Q: If you were a prisoner with Joseph would believe his story of innocence?
Q: What is it like to be forgotten?

Read Genesis 41:1-57
Q: What did God do for Pharaoh?
Q: What did God do for Joseph?
Q: What do you hope will be true about you in 13 years?

Read Genesis 42-43
Q: How is a moment of possible “revenge” an integrity test?
Q: Is this a high moment or a low moment for Joseph?
Q: How is Joseph still an “outsider?”

Now I hope you are not just riding the highs and lows with Joseph, but you are also living the highs and lows with God.

Prayer of the People, 5 February 2021

Heavenly Father,

We delight in you because the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ has covered our sin and marked us as forgiven. Your perfect love has cast out our fear. You have cleansed us and set us apart for your communion — the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Thank you!

Now in this grace we see Jesus, close to us — sharing in our humanity, serving us, and humbly laying down His life at the Cross. Now in this grace we see Jesus high and lifted up, exalted to your right hand and interceding for us. We bow the knee and we joyfully confess Him as Lord.

We have been united with Jesus in your communion. Send your Spirit, Lord, among us, that we might move toward each other with tenderness and compassion, and in the power of your love.

We confess Lord, our minds are occupied too often with selfish ambitions and trivial pursuits. Show us how to repent of our desire for applause and to take off our pretentious robes of self righteousness, so we might value others and take an interest in their concerns, unleashing gifts of creativity and the hope of the resurrection through service.

Lord we lift up people being run over by selfish ambition, by rage, and sometimes hate. Fortify the people of Myanmar, of Northwest China, and of Yemen with hope. Reveal yourself and call out people for yourself as peacemakers and good neighbours.

Lord we lift up families being ravaged by the covid-19 pandemic. Comfort them and provide for them in communities that care. Renew our hearts through generosity and the power of your Word.

Lord we lift up students here in Vancouver. Call out to them again Lord with your gracious invitation for life, for redeemed purpose, and for true freedom.

Lord we need you and so we pray as Jesus teaches us: Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.

Oh Lord we need you and so we pray…
(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This prayer was part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 5 February 2021