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Rolling With Evangelicals

The freedom afforded to Christians in North America would probably be considered miraculous by the first disciples of Jesus and the churches initiated by the witness and ministry of the Apostles. I really have little to complain about. I am so grateful; this gratitude only grows as I intercede for sisters and brothers in Christ who are pressured and oppressed, tortured and killed, because of their witness to Jesus as Lord today in other places around the world. 

I am not saying that pressure and social exclusion doesn’t happen in North America because of our confession of Christ; but I am saying that in spite of the fear expressed by some of my brothers and sisters within evangelical institutions, we are enjoying immense amounts of freedom. 

Our inclination within in protestantism is to find something to resist. But the main goal of evangelical resistance has unfortunately become protection of our freedoms rather than a persistent resistance of the kingdom of darkness and its intent to kill, steal, and destroy the precious lives of people through greed which is idolatry and apathy, exploitation and violence, hate and the accompanying shadow of unbelief cast over the knowledge of God. People who don’t know Jesus still have a longing for righteousness, so they protest. But we refuse the protest because we have alienated ourselves from and envisioned ourselves as above or better than the crowd. (1. Jennings)

Not only have we have forgotten how to protest, but we have situated ourselves in enclaves of power so that any protest not initiated within our own institutions must be resisted. For the past year I have pleaded with some evangelicals to abandon the following: the exaltation of  patriarchy over women, the demonization of anyone who acknowledges the reality of racism and violence towards other humans, a rage towards those who plead for creation care by calling for limits to our consumption, and a contempt of the poor and those who seek refuge because their own countries of origin have become inhospitable toward them.

In my own pain and in my own impulse to resist I am left to wonder at times, “Who am I?” I have degrees from three institutions whose histories are inextricably linked to racism and the idolatry of slavery. I have been a part of and served in six congregations in this Southern Baptist stream and now lead a seventh. Sometimes I sort out the pain I feel by saying, “I’m a little b baptist.” Other times I answer the question of who I am by retreating to the answer formed by the question, “Who loves you?” I am loved by Jesus, and so I belong to Him.

I rarely use the word evangelical to describe myself. Yet, I am located in this stream. I am evangelical. (2. Foster)

Some folks would like to distance themselves from evangelicalism, especially the American Patriot variety. Dear Andy, I get it! (3. Green) Perhaps what we really want to do is distance ourselves from the tribalism that has centred around allegiance to one political figure or party. Perhaps what we want to do is distance ourselves from meanness. Perhaps what we want to do is distance ourselves from undisciplined emotional lives and unmitigated hostility toward the complexities uncovered in the study of history, theology and science. Perhaps what we want to do is distance ourselves from white christian nationalism.

The challenge of locating myself within evangelicalism doesn’t have anything to do with my love for Jesus, high view of Scripture, delight in the Church, or zealous participation in the mission of God for the salvation of people in all their relationships. Actually those impulses keep me there as a messenger of the Evangel — Jesus Himself. He is good news for the poor and for all who will see. I don’t want to give over the word evangelical. The challenge comes when the very institutions located in evangelicalism and from which I came would spit me out. 

My ethics professor, Dr. Bill Tillman (4. Tillman) said that institutions are like rock tumblers. You come in as an unfinished rock with lots of edges. But the institution rolls you around and likes having you there as long as your edges will be knocked off. If you retain an edge, the institution will spit you out. It wants you to be smooth.

Confession — I’m a 9 on the enneagram. Hiding my edges is how I deal with the world. But here’s the thing, Jesus keeps chiselling away and He doesn’t just go after the edges. He goes after the smooth places and says, “Hey I don’t want you to conform to the world’s mold!” So Jesus seems to make me crossways with the world and with the institutions with whom I roll.  Somehow being with Jesus in His Word compels me not to hide, but to engage with the hostilities and enmities abounding around me so that the transforming power of the Spirit of God might be released in our lives.

I have a few friends who roll. That is — they practice some form of Jiujutsu. They love it. They roll. There are rules for engagement. There are communities that roll more generously and less viciously than others. My friends roll even though they have separated a shoulder, bruised a rib, pinched a nerve, and torn an ear. They stay and they roll because they have found a circle of friendship that fuels their desire for improvement.

Somehow I think I’m going to keep rolling with evangelicals. I find myself in-between a rock and a hard place. Even though I have sensitives shaped by histories of living at the edges of my Georgia small town society, of Catholic parents who landed in a baptist church, of serving in Vancouver, Canada as an immigrant, and of listening to lots of diverse university students, I’m going to keep rolling with evangelicals because evangelism matters to me. Sharing my life and making proclamation of Jesus and even entering into persuasive speech about life in Him, is restlessly generated in me by the Spirit of God as I read the Bible and try to locate myself in it and in the world.

There’s a common calling available here for evangelicals. We share this calling with so many followers of Jesus, so let’s roll! (5. A note about the metaphor.)


1. Willie James Jennings, After Whiteness: An Education in Belonging. See his discussion of how discipleship begins with the crowd.

2. Emma Green, writing about Andy Stanley in the Atlantic; The Evangelical Reckoning Begins.

3. Richard Foster, Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith.

4. Dr. Bill Tillman, discussed this during an ethics class at SouthWestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1991.

5. A note about the metaphor. “Rolling.” Perhaps this combative metaphor for evangelical fellowship is appropriate but is also critiqued in Jennings work After Whiteness, especially in his discussion of the “right kind of theologian” sought out by the seminary and the academy. But I am after the sense of familial friendship I observed among friends who roll. At the end of the day they are not training for combat with each other, but for life in the world. For truly, we wrestle, but we wrestle “not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12) I would rather that together we would wrestle in prayer like Epaphras who was a prayer wrestler. (Colossians 4:12-13 — “he is always wresting in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and those at Laodicea and Hieropolis.”) I would rather that our rolling prepare us to be active with God in the world He loves. (Like Jacob who wrestled with God and became Israel but was received by Easu, his older brother who acted more in keeping with the Father’s Heart as shown us by Jesus in Luke 15 and thus participated in God’s transformation of Jacob.)

Prayer of the People, 13 November 2020

Heavenly Father, 

When our faces were downcast you called out to us, “Take heart.” When we were not sure of our way You made a way for us. When we were sure that death was winning, you told us “Don’t be afraid.” No doubt, all our days are better with you, for you have brought us into your communion — the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

By the blood of Jesus all our sins have been covered. You have clothed us with joy where before we were weighed down with shame. Living loved is what your Spirit specializes in, so Lord, pour your Spirit into our fellowship!

Help us uproot unforgiveness and resentment. Free us from lingering attitudes of contempt and fear. Help us live justly and as much as it depends on us to live at peace with everyone — show us how to love even those who regard us as enemies. 

You have delivered us into your freedom that we might be free to pursue the righteousness of your kingdom on behalf of our neighbours. Oh Lord, when we announce the good news of Jesus’ Kingdom may it be accompanied by good deeds generated by faith in you.

Lord we lift up to you those who doubt their own humanity because of the disregard and trauma they have received from those with power and selfishness. Oh Spirit of God come close by, reveal yourself to them, and fill them with the grace and truth of Jesus. Heal them and raise them up as confident and strong lovers of your children, able to speak with authority and faith.

Lord we lift up to you the people of Mozambique, of Tigray in Ethiopia, and of Azerbaijan. Please Lord bring a just peace to the land that your Gospel of truth and grace may be known. We hear the cry of the hurting in our own city and we yearn for your Kingdom, so we pray,

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This Prayer was part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 13 November 2020.

Prayer of the People, 6 Nov 2020

Heavenly Father, 

Unless you had come to our side, we would have stood alone in the dark. But you came to our rescue; you delivered us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of Your Son, whom you love. You have shown the brilliant light of the Gospel into our hearts and minds. Thank you! Now your Spirit unites our voices in praise and our hopes together in the promise of eternal communion with you — the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

For some of us, life is going well but we worry about the future. For others of us, life seems like a struggle and we worry about today. Some of us Lord, are haunted by memories of the past so accusations pierce the thin armour provided by time to disrupt our day and our most noble  dreams. Help us Lord! Let us live by your truth and grace. Cover us and heal us. Sanctify us for your purposes and fill us with the joy of your salvation again.

Lord anxiety is weighing heavy among us. Bind it up and cast it away even as we come to Jesus as little children. We are too easily frozen or driven by our fears. So we come to abide with you. Form in us the steady trust in you that characterized Jesus’ life.

Lord we lift up to you students at the University of Kabul in Afghanistan who suffered through a terrible attack this week. Comfort the families and friends of those whose lives were so violently taken from them. Bring healing to the wounded and to those traumatized by the surge of fear and violence. Oh Lord Jesus bring your peace that they may take up their studies and enter into the knowledge of their Creator. May they become peacemakers who reap a harvest of righteousness. 

We lift up to your our neighbours who are weathering uncertainty in their finances, in their health, in their politics, and in their work. May your church Lord be a beacon, a city on a hill, and a taste of our kinship before your Throne and at your Table. So we pray Lord as you taught us:

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This Prayer of the People was part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 6 Nov 2020.

Prayer of the People, 1 Nov 2020

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for the grace that has brought us into your communion— the communion of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Our hearts sing out to you in celebration of the promise Jesus has secured for us. We can be at home with you now and forevermore. Thank you!

May all creation sing your praise and may every nation and people be a witness to your grace and your righteousness. Our Hope is in you Lord.

The hope of the resurrection secured by the death , burial and resurrection of Jesus has formed our communion together. Come Holy Spirit! May your holiness grow in us so that the character of Jesus radiates in all we do and say.

Oh Father encourage the students living in the UBC campus community. Provide for their needs and open their hearts to your wisdom and beauty.

We lift up to you the people of France. we pray that would comfort and heal. We pray that your Son Jesus Christ who suffered for the sins of all would prevail against enmity, envy, and hate. May your Kingdom come!

(Please join me in the Lord’s Prayer.)

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one;
for yours is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory, 

This Prayer of the People was part of the Origin Church Weekend Broadcast on 28 October 2020.

What if my neighbour could be president?

What if my neighbour could be president?

I think I would like to vote for my neighbour.

Jesus commended being a neighbour. In fact Jesus seems to think more of being a neighbour than being a president, especially if one’s vision of greatness is lording it over other people.

I think my neighbour might be a good president, especially since she doesn’t want to be president. But, she acts like a president all the time; well if by that you mean she acts like a neighbour. She’s always organizing people to meet the needs of the day and when they can’t be organized or won’t be organized, she still finds a way to get it done. She’s quite the strategist too, thinking about the future, making adjustments so humans flourish. I would vote for her.

Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love God and that the second (commandment) was like it: to love your neighbour as yourself. When asked about loving the neighbour, Jesus promoted being the neighbour who loves. Seems like we should be voting for neighbours.

One of the things I’ve noticed about great neighbours, is that they tend to love those closest to them even when they are far from home. Love starts at home, maybe leading does too.

I think my neighbour could be a good president. I’d vote for him because he’s pretty keyed up about making our community a place where you would never want to sacrifice your children in order to live here, or even survive here. He doesn’t have a lot of catchy sayings, but he does seem to tell the truth… thoughtfully. In fact, he’s always thinking about how to make this a place where the next generation could thrive.

I have another neighbour who could be president. Maybe I should vote for him. I could write him in. He has a good fence, but he’s always leaning over it to say hello. He would be appalled to condone death by drone. Over the years he’s built unlikely friendships by serving behind the scenes over and over and over. I’d vote for him in a heartbeat.

What’s wrong with voting for a neighbour? What if the most powerful elected official in the country was going to be your neighbour? That would make you pause wouldn’t it?

And then there’s my neighbour who cares about air, soil, and water — and by doing so she really cares for people. She would make an excellent president. She’s so glad for people to work and she knows the priceless value of habitats. Why can’t we have presidents who know the power of “and.” You and me. Me and you. You and me and the stuff of earth.

What if choosing leaders as if they were going to be my neighbour might actually help me vote?

I think I’d like to vote for my neighbour. What about you?


Note: No neighbours have paid for this endorsement, nor have any candidates for the office of president reached out to me. Most of my neighbours are Canadian, so they can’t be president. But, I sure have enjoyed thinking about my neighbours being the president if I voted for them!