Tag Archive: poetry

Three Observations On A Saturday

Without rainboots 
adults walk 
in broad streets 
when sidewalks 
turn into 

Without a companion 
an umbrella remains 
tucked underarm 
when carrying 
two bags 

Without a hood 
glasses glisten
with diamonds
when rain 
fills the 

Glorious Sabbath Relief

Spinning revolving
moving through space
this race continues
without my thought
or worry

Gravity and what
remains unseen
explosions and what
remains unheard
a fury

Your Word never dormant
just waiting for the
moment newness swallows
death rarely
in a hurry

Caught in the fullness of time
at just the right time
when the time was right
these lines seem

So my trust like love
has intention and my
rest like faith waits close
but not anxiously
for glory

Iona Beach, 10 April 2021

As if drawn to
     a waltz, the hawk
turns over the
     sandy foreshore
seeking its prey.

I watch enchanted.
     No, not enchanted.
Appreciative. Our
     conversation ebbs
onto a quiet plateau,
     like the calm space
lovers lightly posses
     when confident
of their affections.

Yet, I know You
     are the stronger,
the sovereign, the
     seer of all hearts.

The worlds You formed
     call out and 

I cry 




pipes water shit
wires energy ground
souls wellness confession

cord name death
canal relations rites
babe character wake

thought christ cross
word breath blood
creation people love

View the picture to see the poem.

a pilgrim’s doxology

a prayer 

morning’s light barely registers
but with a turn of the wrist light
floods the room

the shock of emerging from 
a comforting womb mitigated 
by socks and a puffy coat

down the stairs where with four
pushes of a button a stream 
of gas and flame warm the frames

of a home whose foundations 
were set well before my parents 
lived and well within the years of theirs

another button and water warms
another button and beans grind
another turn of the wrist and water pours

the warm elixir finds its mark as 
words from an open Book call
and draw forth songs

for the heart melodies with 
ancient rhythms lost in translation 
but just as real today