Tag Archive: Uncertainty

Uncertainty and the power of an unfinished story

Sometimes uncertainty gets the best of me.

I lose sight of my true hope.

When that happens I become 

short sighted, and lose the long view.

That’s when I feel stuck. That’s when

decisions are dangerous.

Fortunately it’s usually only for a bit, 

but not for long.

How about you?

Revelation is the last of the books in the Bible.

It’s the “end of the story.”

Does reading Revelation scare you or comfort you?

When I was 15 it scared me.

But now I take comfort from the book of Revelation. 

God has written one ending for us but it’s also a new beginning.

Even now God is not finished with you or with me.

When Jesus takes hold of you

He takes hold of you as the master craftsmen.

You and I are God’s workmanship.

He’s the author of our faith.

He’s the potter with the clay.

He’s the stone mason.

He’s the carpenter.

From the day you trusted Him till now 

He’s still working on you.

And you — 

you are still writing a story with Him.

The Apostle Paul knew this truth.

So, he kept praying for people.

“I thank my God every time I remember you.

In all my prayers for all of you,

I always pray with joy

because of your partnership in the gospel 

from the first until now,

being confident of this,

that He who began a good work in you

will carry it on to completion until 

the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:3-6)

When Jesus takes hold of you

He takes hold of you for good.

Joseph couldn’t see the good 

from the cistern, from the caravan,

from the prison, from the palace.

But he saw the good years later

when he looked into the eyes of his brothers.

“You intended to harm me, 

but God intended it for good, 

to accomplish what is now being done,

the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:19-20)

Mary faced uncertainty as she

processed the inconceivable,

but she was able to trust the 

God who fulfills His promises. 

So she said, 

“I am the Lord’s servant. 

May your word

to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:18)

What uncertainty are you facing today?

I am not thrilled with the 

tariffs nor the rhetoric filling 

our ears these days. But,

my heart is steady. I serve the God

of our unfinished story. 

I’m not thrilled when family 

and friends face difficulty 

but I keep on keeping on 

in prayer

and presence if I am able.

Jesus is my certain hope through

these uncertainties. 

So I have hope.

I’m hoping to write with Christ Jesus

on the hearts of many. 

I’m hoping Origin continues to 

welcome students into His Kingdom.

I’m hoping Jesus empowers me

to live His way of love.

And my hope is sure.

Is yours?

I’m so grateful for the people

on both sides of the border

who have been steady friends,

advisors, encouragers, family,

and prayer warriors.

(See 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20)

“For what is our hope, our joy,

our crown in which we will glory

in the presence of our Lord Jesus

when he comes?

Is it not you?

Indeed you are our glory and joy.”

Our story is not done yet!

To be continued…